The Seasons, for those new to the Land of Enchantment.
The extra rainfall is evident by viewing the thicker and taller pinon pine trees that abundantly populate the area. Other flora flourish as well, making it a beautiful backdrop to the change of seasons. Such vegetation provides a spectacular home for a wide variety of wildlife seen on a daily basis. Deer, Hawks, Coyote, Rabbits, Fox, Roadrunners, Falcon, Wild Turkey and a wide variety of other birds make their home at Nature Pointe.
The high mountain air provides a cool, fresh respite from the city to the west. Humidity year-round is significantly lower than the rest of the country, so the summer highs and the winter lows are more temperate and comfortable than other climates with higher humidity levels.
Sunshine is plentiful year-round at Nature Pointe, with New Mexico having the most winter sunshine than any state except Arizona. Many sun-filled days await, providing numerous opportunities to walk the trails, watch the autumn leaves change color or spy on the fauna that grace the spectacular landscape. For current and future weather conditions visit for current weather and forecasts for the East Mountain area.
With four seasons, you will look forward to the specter of the autumn colors, snow covered mountain vistas and the new growth of spring at Nature Pointe.
So, take a deep breath. Fill your lungs with the clean healthy air. Come home to Nature Pointe, our lifestyle is upscale, yet down to earth, and it awaits you!